
01536 416997


Company number 7942770

K2Recovery Ltd.

10A Telford House

Telford Way



NN16 8UN

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From our new premises in Kettering, we provide vehicle recovery and workshop services for the midlands and beyond. Our fully trained, professional staff have the experience and equipment to ensure your vehicles are rescued, repaired, serviced, maintained and delivered, on time, on budget and with minimum fuss.

We take an enormous pride in our work and value our reputation for professional standards in everything we do.

We'll be there for you when you need rescue, repair or maintenance.

We deliver common sense, good service and a sense of humour, all at a sensible price. Why is that so hard to find these days?


Our friendly team are happy to help, and welcome whatever challenge is thrown at them

Recovery - fleet services - planned maintenance - specialist transport - workshop